Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wonder where the trim, fit well toned body has gone

You look at the clock and you realise you’re going to be late. As you go to the wardrobe to see what you can wear out to that special occasion you realise that the outfit you had planned to wear just won’t fit.

You rush back into the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror.
As you stare at yourself in the mirror you wonder where the trim, fit well toned body has gone that was there last time you looked ten years ago.

Today’s environment sees us being more aware of the importance of health and that we can do something about it. You only need to look at the Queensland Health system to see it is in overload.

Unfortunately it is not one of those things which we can plug in and use a remote control to turn it on. Most people seem to have forgotten where they put the remote control let alone remember how to use it.

Health and fitness is one of those old fashioned things that takes a little bit of effort and a little bit of responsibility. There is no wondrous diet that is going to make you thin overnight. There is no fantastic exercise program that is going to make you fit by next week. There is no drug that will do both of these things before you try on the same outfit that didn’t fit 10 minutes ago.

To achieve a look that is right for you and will allow you to fit into the same size clothes you used to, you have to work at it. It will take time but all good things do. Diamonds take millions of years to form and a great looking body will take at least 12 months to come out of hiding.

Go back to the mirror now and remove your clothes and take a good look at yourself. There you are standing in front of the mirror and you are not happy with the way you look. On a note pad write down the way you would like to look. Use as many pages as you want, but make sure you cover all areas of your body.

Secondly write down how you would like to feel and the things you would like to be able to do. Would you like to be able to play with the kids more, would you like to be able to run down to the shop for the milk, or would you like to have a body like the one you had 10 years ago. What ever it is make sure you write it down next to the list describing how you would like to look.

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